Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

Well, after Samhain things have been pretty interesting. Of course, it hasn't ended until the sun goes down later today... but it's certainly left me with a lot to reflect upon. Lessons learned.

I'm going to post one of those lessons here on this site as it is here where I had learned it from, and that something is to never assume things about a stranger just because you were irritated about something else. And always be willing to lend a helping hand, if you can.

After some strange coincidences last night, and a really sad friend leaning on my shoulder for help, it's easy to get bogged down. Not to mention when you lack the certain thing you needed to cheer your friend up! But I believe all these strange things happen for a reason... And it seems things escalated for me to be enlightened through those weird events. lol So I hope if ever I'm having a bad day and forget this lesson... someone from afar will look upon me and learn from an example of what not to be.

Life can be interesting that way. <3

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